Social Studies Tuition - Secondary, IB, IP, IGCSE & O Level

Our adept home tutors in social studies are well-prepared to offer tuition for IP, IB, or O-Level courses.


Delving into social studies means exploring diverse areas like history, geography, politics, and economics. While primary students find the subject relatively straightforward, its intricacies grow as they advance. By the time they reach secondary education, social studies becomes a pivotal subject. Especially for GCE-O Levels, students are required to undertake both history and geography.

  1. Essential Learning - Social Studies isn't just another subject; it's a crucial component of a child's holistic education and plays a significant role in their overall humanities assessment.
  2. Rich in Content - The vastness of the subject can be daunting for students, especially when they have to juggle it alongside history or geography during exam preparations.
  3. Exceptional Mentorship - Our private tutors aren't just teachers; they're mentors. With their exemplary teaching methods and current curriculum insights, they ensure that students not only enjoy the learning process but also thrive in it.

Introduction: The Importance of Social Studies Education

In a rapidly evolving world, with its intricate tapestry of global events and local intricacies, the need for a comprehensive understanding of the socio-political landscape has never been greater. Enter Social Studies, a discipline that not only acquaints students with history and geography but also prepares them to navigate the complex terrains of politics, economy, and society.

Social Studies: Beyond Just a Subject

At its core, Social Studies isn't merely about rote learning of events or dates. Instead, it paints a holistic picture of how societies function, evolve, and sometimes, collide. As students delve into the nuances of societal frameworks, they begin to grasp the interconnections between past events and present circumstances, thereby cultivating an analytical mindset.

Through this subject, students are armed with the intellectual tools to dissect contemporary issues, from understanding the intricacies of public policies to decoding the mechanics of global diplomacy. This knowledge isn't just beneficial for acing exams; it becomes a critical life skill, aiding individuals in making informed decisions in both personal and professional spheres.

Relevance in Today's Age: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

In our present age, marked by rapid digitalization and the surge of information, the ability to discern fact from fiction has become paramount. Social Studies provides students with the framework to critically assess, validate, and interpret this barrage of information.

Moreover, with Singapore's unique positioning in the global arena, students must be well-versed with both domestic and international affairs. As they understand the country's historical background, political structures, and societal norms, they are better equipped to interpret Singapore's stand in larger global contexts.

Singapore isn't just an economic hub; it's a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and innovations. For its youth to be active participants in shaping its future, a sound understanding of Social Studies is indispensable.

Looking Ahead

While the foundational concepts of Social Studies are undoubtedly crucial, the real value lies in how this knowledge is imparted. This brings us to a pertinent question: What should one look for in an ideal Social Studies tutor? In our next section, we will delve deep into the essential qualities and credentials that make a Social Studies tutor truly stand out, ensuring your child receives not just education but enlightenment.

The Ideal Social Studies Tuition Tutor: What to Look For

Social Studies, with its expansive coverage of historical events, societal dynamics, and geopolitical interplays, demands more than just a pedagogical approach. The right tutor can be the bridge between mere knowledge absorption and holistic understanding. However, finding such a tutor requires careful scrutiny and specific criteria.

1. Commitment: More Than Just Time on the Clock

In the realm of tuition, commitment doesn't merely translate to punctuality or lesson duration. It involves:

  • Personalized lesson plans tailored to the student's learning pace and style.
  • Readiness to revisit topics until the student gains clarity.
  • Regular feedback mechanisms, ensuring parents and students are aligned with progress and areas of improvement.

2. Experience: The Pedigree Matters

Experience plays a pivotal role in distinguishing an adequate tutor from an exceptional one. Consider:

  • MOE & NIE trained teachers usually bring a wealth of knowledge and are well-versed with the current academic standards. Their training equips them to handle diverse learners, making them invaluable for students with specific needs.
  • Full-time tutors often have the advantage of flexibility and more extensive exposure, as they engage with numerous students across various syllabi. On the other hand, part-time tutors, while juggling other commitments, can provide a fresh perspective and often resonate well with students due to their closer age brackets.

3. Familiarity with the Latest MOE Syllabus

The MOE syllabus undergoes periodic revisions. Hence, it's imperative that the tutor is updated with the latest MOE syllabus, ensuring students aren't left grappling with outdated content or missing out on new additions.

4. The Weight of Testimonials and Reviews

In today's digital age, testimonials and reviews serve as trust markers. They offer:

  • A glimpse into the tutor's teaching style.
  • Feedback on the tutor's adaptability and effectiveness.
  • Insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.

5. Beyond Lessons: Additional Learning Resources

Exceptional social studies tutors often transcend the textbook. They supplement lessons with:

  • Notes that simplify complex concepts.
  • Mind maps to help students visualize and link ideas.
  • Practice questions that align with examination standards, giving students the much-needed edge.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Look for a tutor's commitment in their approach rather than mere time commitments.
  • Weigh the advantages of MOE & NIE trained teachers against full-time/part-time tutors.
  • Ensure the tutor's syllabus is in tandem with the latest MOE guidelines.
  • Dive deep into testimonials and reviews for a holistic view of the tutor.
  • Prioritize tutors who offer additional resources for an enriched learning experience.


  • Q: How important is it for the tutor to be MOE or NIE trained?
    • A: While MOE & NIE training is a commendable benchmark, it's essential to evaluate tutors based on the individual needs of the student. Some students might resonate better with full-time tutors despite the lack of formal training.
  • Q: Should I prioritize experience over additional resources provided by the tutor?
    • A: Both are pivotal. However, based on your child's needs, you might lean towards one. If foundational knowledge is the primary concern, experience trumps. If the student seeks enhancement, additional resources become invaluable.

Having comprehensively detailed the attributes of an ideal Social Studies tutor, it's time to understand the broader spectrum of benefits they bring to the table, especially when lessons are within the comforting bounds of one's home. Our next section focuses on the manifold advantages of Social Studies Home Tuition, ensuring your child's education is both profound and pragmatic.

The Benefits of Social Studies Home Tuition

As our world grows increasingly interconnected, understanding the intricate tapestry of societal norms, historical contexts, and policy nuances is vital. Social Studies, as an academic discipline, seeks to offer this clarity. But what augments this learning, making it more profound and relatable, is personalized home tuition. Below, we delve into the multifaceted benefits of Social Studies home tuition, elucidating its transformative impact on a student's holistic development.

1. Balancing Study and Leisure: The Fine Art of Juggling

A student's life is a whirlwind of activities, from academics to extracurriculars. Home tuition offers:

  • Flexibility: Students can choose timings that don't clash with their other commitments, ensuring they aren't overwhelmed.
  • Personalized Pace: Unlike a classroom, where the pace is set for the collective, home tuition allows students to take their time or move ahead swiftly, based on their grasp of the subject.
  • Time Efficiency: Commuting time is saved, granting students extra moments for relaxation or delving deeper into topics of interest.

2. Skills Honed Through Tailored Guidance

Beyond rote learning, Social Studies tuition cultivates critical skills:

  • Analytical Prowess: With a focus on understanding Singapore's societal context, students learn to dissect and discuss complex issues critically.
  • Policy Dissection: In the heart of Singapore, public policies shape the societal structure. Grasping these policies, their implications, and the reasons behind their formulation becomes pivotal.
  • Deciphering Societal Dynamics: In a globalized world, understanding the interplay of cultures, economies, and politics is key. Home tuition, with its one-on-one focus, can delve deep into these areas, offering students insights that go beyond textbooks.

3. Practical Implications: Beyond the Examination Hall

While acing examinations is vital, Social Studies tuition's impact isn't confined to grades. It:

  • Equips students to engage in informed discussions, elevating their societal awareness.
  • Fosters empathy and understanding, as students learn about diverse cultures, struggles, and histories.
  • Prepares them for real-life societal engagements, ensuring they become responsible, aware citizens of the world.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Social Studies home tuition offers unparalleled flexibility, aiding in a balanced student life.
  • It cultivates critical skills like analytical thinking, policy analysis, and understanding societal interplays.
  • The learning goes beyond examinations, shaping students into informed, empathetic individuals.


  • Q: Is home tuition suitable for every student?
    • A: While many students benefit from the personalized attention, some might thrive in group settings. It's essential to gauge a student's preference and learning style.
  • Q: How does home tuition impact a student's broader societal understanding?
    • A: Through tailored lessons, real-world examples, and in-depth discussions, home tuition offers a broader perspective, making societal concepts more tangible and relatable.

As we delve deeper into the realm of tuition, it becomes evident that the choice of the institution or platform offering these services is paramount. In our next segment, we'll introduce you to us, Singapore's premier tuition service, and explore its distinctive features that have made it the top choice for countless parents and students.

A Glance at Our Social Studies Tuition Service

In the landscape of educational support, several institutions promise stellar results. However, few can match the reputation, results, and rapport established by Tuition Domain – a beacon in Singapore's tuition realm. For parents eager to invest in their child's education, understanding what sets this service apart is paramount. Here, we unravel the distinct features of Tuition Domain, cementing its status as Singapore's premier tuition service.

1. Embracing the Advantages of Home Tuition

We recognize the myriad benefits of home tuition, ensuring students capitalize on:

  • Personalized Learning Environment: In the comfort of one's home, distractions are minimized, and students are in a familiar, stress-free setting.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Catering to the student's routine, home tuition avoids clashing with co-curricular activities, ensuring a balanced academic and recreational life.
  • One-on-One Interaction: Personalized attention means curriculums can be tailored, addressing individual needs and fostering deeper understanding.

2. An Unmatched Track Record of Success

But why choose us? The answer lies in its impressive track record:

  • High Success Rates: Students tutored under our agency have consistently showcased enhanced performance, be it in regular classroom tests or national examinations.
  • Comprehensive Feedback System: Transparent feedback from parents and students ensures the continuous refinement of tutoring methodologies and practices.

3. A Reservoir of Experienced Tutors

Quality is at the heart of our offerings:

  • Vast Tutor Pool: With an expansive database, parents can find the ideal tutor match for their child, be it based on experience, teaching style, or specialization.
  • Rigorous Screening: Every tutor under our agency undergoes a stringent vetting process, ensuring they possess the requisite experience, knowledge, and passion.

Key Take-Aways:

  • We champion the cause of home tuition, amplifying its benefits for holistic student development.
  • Their unmatched track record stands as a testament to their efficacy.
  • With a vast, rigorously screened pool of tutors, quality is guaranteed.


  • Q: What distinguishes us from other tuition platforms?
    • A: Apart from its vast tutor network and stellar track record, it's the commitment to quality, personalized education and transparent feedback mechanisms that set us apart.
  • Q: Is the tutor match guaranteed?
    • A: While we endeavor to provide the perfect tutor match, they also prioritize feedback and are always ready to make adjustments to ensure student satisfaction and progress.

Delving into the nuances of tuition, it's clear that the financial aspect also plays a crucial role in decision-making. In our forthcoming segment, we provide a comprehensive guide on home tuition rates, laying out the factors influencing these rates in Singapore's tuition market, ensuring parents make informed decisions for their children's future.

Home Tuition Rates: A Comprehensive Guide

In the pursuit of unparalleled education, a significant factor often weighing on parents' minds is the financial commitment. It's an investment in their child's future, but the question arises: What does this investment typically look like? In this segment, we delve deep into home tuition rates, demystifying the spectrum of costs associated with different tutor types and factors that drive the pricing landscape in Singapore's bustling tuition market.

Tuition Rate Table: A Glimpse

For the uninitiated, tuition rates can vary broadly based on multiple parameters. Here's a concise breakdown for a clearer understanding:

  • Primary Level Tutors:
    • Part-time Tutors: $20-$30/hour
    • Full-time Tutors: $30-$40/hour
    • MOE & NIE Trained: $50-$60/hour
  • Secondary Level Tutors:
    • Part-time Tutors: $25-$35/hour
    • Full-time Tutors: $35-$50/hour
    • MOE & NIE Trained: $60-$80/hour
  • Junior College Level Tutors:
    • Part-time Tutors: $30-$40/hour
    • Full-time Tutors: $50-$60/hour
    • MOE & NIE Trained: $80-$100/hour

Factors Influencing Tuition Rates

The dynamics of tuition fees are influenced by an amalgamation of factors:

  1. Tutor's Qualification and Experience: Naturally, MOE & NIE trained tutors with extensive teaching backgrounds command higher fees due to their expertise and familiarity with the curriculum.
  2. Frequency and Duration of Lessons: Intensive revision sessions or lessons that are longer in duration might come at a premium.
  3. Location and Logistics: Tuitions conducted in prime areas or those necessitating longer commutes for tutors could influence rates.
  4. Special Requirements: Customized teaching resources, additional learning materials, or unique teaching methodologies might come with added costs.


  • Q: Why are MOE & NIE trained tutors priced higher?
    • A: Their formal training, coupled with direct exposure to the official curriculum, places them at a vantage point, offering students insights that might be unparalleled by other tutors.
  • Q: Can I negotiate the tuition fees?
    • A: While some tutors might be open to negotiations, it's important to strike a balance between affordability and quality to ensure your child gets the best educational support.

In Retrospect: Making the Right Choice for Your Child's Social Studies Education

Embarking on this educational odyssey, we've traversed the multifaceted landscape of Social Studies education in Singapore. We commenced with understanding the relevance of Social Studies in molding discerning, globally-aware citizens. The journey led us through the intricacies of selecting the ideal tutor, weighing their commitments, and expertise. The undeniable merits of home tuition and the stellar offerings of institutions like us were spotlighted, culminating in the financial considerations enveloping tuition rates.

Education, especially a subject as pivotal as Social Studies, is an invaluable gift we bestow upon our children. It’s more than just preparation for examinations; it’s the foundation for real-life societal engagements. While factors like experience, resources, and rates are crucial, the heart of the decision lies in understanding your child's unique needs.

Parents are encouraged to take a holistic approach, weighing all these facets to make an informed choice, investing not just in education but in sculpting informed, engaged, and enlightened future citizens.

students having social studies tuition

Get a Social Studies Tutor To Assist Now!

Since this is a mandatory subject, your kid must learn how to handle it. Why don’t you make things easier for them by getting a tutor? Their level of stress will most likely reduce as well if they’re conscious that there’s somebody always accessible to clear their questions. Start having social Studies tuition now!

Our Business Hours

Mon : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Tue : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Wed : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Thu : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Fri : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Sat : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Sun : 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM


No Contracts, No Obligations

Get in touch with us and get a free consultation with our knowledgeable coordinators. Find the right home tutor today!

Call us at +65 98248019

Hours: 9am-11pm (Mon-Sun, including PH)

Need Help? 


Tuition Domain is a home tuition agency in Singapore for students and parents searching for home tutors. Our matching services are absolutely free, we will locate you the most qualified and suitable tutors.