Python Tutor Singapore

Python Tutor Singapore – Learn Python Programming

Are you looking for a python tutor Singapore? If you want to get tuition for python programming, then you have come to the right place. Our tutor will provide 1-to-1 effective tuition at your own place.

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What is Python Programming?

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Do you regularly use Instagram, Dropbox or do you read the New York Times? Then you can partly see what the result is of Python. It is one of the most used programming languages ​​that are easy to use. With a view to readable code and a range of libraries, it can be used almost anywhere.

Python is a programming language that is generally easy to read. Python is, therefore, an HLL or High-Level Programming programming language. This is why Python is used so often. You can read it and others can also read it easily. This makes it easier to maintain and you think better / more logically during programming. Python is widely used for scripting but can also be compiled into executable programs. We often see Python in the security community in the form of scripts and applications. To better understand Python, I will make a 6-part series to better explain the language.

Python was developed by “Guido van Rossum” and is a so-called “interpreted” programming language. This also makes it extremely suitable for scripting. Interpreted means that the code does not have to be compiled before it can be executed. A requirement for this is that the system has an “interpreter” to understand and execute the code. The Python syntax (set of rules for the Python “grammar” and “spelling”) allows the developer to write programs with less code than other languages ​​such as C.

Python supports multiple “programming paradigms” (or programming paradigms). These are thinking patterns or pronounced concepts with regard to programming. Well-known forms are “object-oriented” (OO) where a system is built from “objects”. “Imperative” or “procedural programming” where programs are drawn up in the form of assignments that can be executed immediately. Python supports these and more forms and is, therefore, a hybrid programming language.

In programming code, we often see “blocks” in the form of brackets and keywords. However, Python uses “whitespace” or tabs to define blocks. We call this “whitespace indentation”.

Python has a dynamic typing system, automatic memory management, and a large default library. This means that there are many Python modules with which we can easily expand the functionalities of our application.

Python is currently widely used in robotics, IoT (Internet Of Things) web apps, app automation, and scripting. The biggest disadvantage of Python, however, is that it is slower than other programming languages ​​such as Java and C. However, for most projects this will not be a problem because modern processors are so fast that the “delay” will hardly be noticeable.

We often see Python 2.x again. However, Python 3.x has been in use since 2008.

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What is the use of Python programming ? rewrite

  1. Web Programming: Python is used for web development in various frameworks, including Django, Zope, and Google App Engine. It’s valued for its ease of use and rapid development capabilities.
  2. Desktop Applications: Python is employed in the creation of desktop applications such as Blender 3D and games using libraries like pygame.
  3. Binary Code Generation: Python can be translated into binary code, similar to Java, allowing for the development of standalone applications.

Python offers diverse options for web development, ranging from comprehensive frameworks like Django to lightweight micro-frameworks like Flask and Bottle. Additionally, it is utilized in advanced content management systems such as Plone and Django CMS.

Several prominent companies leverage Python in their operations, including IBM, Intel, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, Google, Spotify, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, PayPal, Reddit, Uber, Pinterest, Instagram, Dropbox, and more. Google App Engine, for instance, showcases the use of Python for web application development. Python is a fundamental component of YouTube and is widely employed by Google.

Python is not limited to the corporate world; it has a significant presence in various industries and academic disciplines:

  • Astronomy: Python is instrumental in data analysis and simulations for astronomers.
  • Social Science: Researchers use Python for data analysis and visualization.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Python’s machine learning and deep learning libraries make it an ideal choice.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Python is employed in developing IoT applications due to its simplicity.

Moreover, Python is extensively utilized in academic research, particularly in fields like bioinformatics, biology, and mathematics. It serves as a standard introductory language in numerous university computer science programs.

In summary, Python’s applications span a wide spectrum, making it a favored choice for various development tasks, from web applications to scientific research and more. Its versatility, readability, and extensive libraries contribute to its popularity across diverse domains.

Singapore’s O- and A-Level Python Program for the Cambridge Exam

In Singapore, Python programming is an essential component of O-level and A-level Cambridge Examination preparation, and Tuition Domain offers qualified and experienced tutors to guide students through the examination process. These tutors equip students with the necessary skills and techniques to approach their examinations confidently. Practice under real examination conditions, including official and past examination projects, is emphasized.

The tuition rates for Python programming in Singapore vary based on the level of education:

  • Student Level Degree Holder Uni Lecturer PhD Lecturer
    Sec 3~4 (O-level) $65 – $70/hour $70 – $85/hour $70 – $85/hour
    JC 1~2 (A-level) $65 – $70/hour $70 – $85/hour $70 – $85/hour
    Poly $65 – $70/hour $70 – $85/hour $70 – $85/hour
    University $70 – $85/hour $80 – $100/hour $80 – $100/hour

To engage a private Python programming tutor, you can submit a “Request-Tutor-Form” or call Tuition Domain for assistance at Mobile: 98248019. We will assist in finding a suitable home private Python programming tutor based on your requirements.

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