9 Handy Tips to Help You Concentrate

Do you often find it so difficult to focus on your schoolwork?

Do you often find it so difficult to focus on your schoolwork? Are you so easily distracted? Then we have some tips for you that will certainly help you to concentrate better.

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1. Eat healthily

Everything starts with a good breakfast, a healthy lunch and a full dinner. If you do not eat well and unhealthily, your ability to concentrate will naturally be very weak. You feel tired, weak and all energy seems to have disappeared. So make sure you eat and drink healthily throughout the day. Don’t be tempted by food too much 

2. Clean up

tidy environment ensures that you naturally work in a quieter and more concentrated manner. So it doesn’t help if your desk is full of stuff or if your room is a mess.

3. Divide your work

Do you have an unclear mountain of schoolwork? Then don’t start all those tasks without a plan . Make a list of what you do first and how long you expect to work on this. That way you know what you can spend all this time on and so you do n’t have to worry about everything you have to do in the meantime.

4. Dare to take (short) breaks

Still, a lot to do and absolutely no time to do nothing? Wrong! Did you know that you also need a 10-minute break every 50 minutes of studying? Try this method and do something fun during that 10-minute break.

5. No social media

Put your smartphone away and only look on social media when you take a break. It really doesn’t help to concentrate if you constantly check Facebook or Snapchat.

6. Come out!

Do you only come out when you drive back and forth to school? For the rest, are you sitting in for television or for your computer all the time? Not a good idea! A little fresh air can really do wonders for your concentration. Go for a half-hour walk with your favorite music in your ears and you will find that you can get back to work a whole lot fresher.

7. Sleep well

Working through a night? Want to watch television and hang out in front of the screen a few hours later? Try to avoid it. You can safely record your favorite series and watch them later if you really have the time. Your sleep is super important and that fresh feeling the next day will make you feel nicer anyway than having to survive the day in zombie mode.

8. The 15-minute rule

Try to do all the small tasks that you can do within 15 minutes immediately. Do you have to send an email to a classmate for group work? Do that right away. Would you like to organize the things on your desk again? You can easily do that immediately. You won’t lose any time and you will find that some things really go much faster if you just do them immediately.

9. Reward yourself

As the weekly schedule and a wonderful sense of what you have already achieved all the past week? Reward yourself! Make something delicious, have a lazy evening, and relax!