H1 Economics Tuition

H1 Economics Tuition

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One of the most frequently asked questions is’ how do you learn the best for economics? “followed by” how do I get a pass for the economy? “. We give you a number of useful learning tips, specifically focused on economics and business economics. If you follow these tips, the chances are much greater than you will get better grades for the (business) economy.


Before I start giving some tips, I want to clear up a persistent misunderstanding. I often hear students say that economics is a subject that you have to ‘see’. If you don’t see it and you miss the logic, you are more or less lost. Nothing is less true. Whether or not you have an innate talent for economics, everyone is capable of achieving economics.

The good news

The economy is full of standard cause-effect relationships and models that you can easily learn by heart. The trick is to realize when you have to use such a dressing or model, and things sometimes go wrong there. Having a good overview of the economics is therefore essential, especially if the final exam is imminent. 

In addition to all kinds of connections and models, (business) economics is also very ‘linguistic’ in some subjects, with a lot of text and reading comprehension. To understand these texts and answer questions about them, it is important that you know the economic concepts and formulas well. Compare it with a football match; if you don’t know the rules of the game (what do you have to do to win or when are you offside?) or you lack the skills to properly kick a ball, you won’t win the game. Fortunately, you can also train yourself well when it comes to knowledge of concepts.

5 tips on how you can learn the best economy

    1. Train a lot and regularly.
      Because the economy has so many fixed connections and rules and you sometimes have to recognize these in a jungle of text or numbers, a lot of training is essential.
      Success in the competition already starts during the training (read: the economics lesson). You do yourself a great favor by training your economics skills as often as possible during the lessons. This is how it works: with all the new things you learn, a new (neural) path is created in your brain. Compare it with a lawn. If you walk through this once firmly, a path of flattened grass is created.
      However, if you only do this once, the grass will stand proudly again in no time and the neural path in your brain will disappear just like that. However, if you walk the path several times, the path becomes wider and stronger. The chance that the correct answer will come to you in a ‘magical’ way during a test or exam is much greater. The advantage of a lot of training is that you will remember the material for a much longer time.
    2. Stamp (business) economic concepts and formulas.
      In addition to a lot of training, it is also important to know which economics skills you need to work on. My advice: first of all, learn to memorize economic concepts and formulas by stomping, just like with the meaning of words. If you do not know the words, you cannot speak the economic language either. Make sure that you can write down concepts with your books or explain them to someone else (explaining the subject matter is a super good strategy!). Make sure you check with yourself whether you really understand the meaning. Just saying words without understanding the meaning is a waste of time.
    3. Make a list of the most important topics, common questions, and cause-effect relationships.
      Each chapter or exam part has a number of main topics. Make a list of these so that you can cross them off while learning. For each subject, it is smart to make a top 5 of frequently asked questions. You can then learn how to answer these questions by heart so that they can no longer surprise you on the test. Please note that this ‘same kind’ question is sometimes asked in several ways.

      Pro tip: have your list checked by your teacher.

      In addition to frequently asked questions, there are always a few cause-effect relationships between them. For example: “if the price rises, the requested quantity falls” or “if inflation is higher than the percentage increase in income, purchasing power falls.” Write them down and learn them.

    4. Train yourself to answer questions smartly
      When answering economic questions, it is smart to use a step-by-step plan, and not just on your test, but already while doing homework. Before you can score, you will have to practice a few times. The steps are as follows:
      1. What is being asked?
      2. What do you know about the subject, how does it work? Always read the text above the question carefully! Make if necessary. a diagram / drawing / formula
      3. What information do you have? Write them down (preferably in the table/diagram)
      4. What information do you miss? How can you find it?
      5. Solve the question and answer the question
      6. Check your answer, where possible with a calculation. Go through these steps first before you immediately write down your answer or start calculating. That gives you a little more structure and will greatly improve the quality of your answers. This way you train yourself to think about it better and to really use your knowledge.

      Protip: always repeat the keywords/terms from the question in your answer.
    5. Practice, practice, and practice.
      There is no alternative. After you have all the concepts, formulas and frequently asked questions in mind, it is a matter of a lot of practice. Repeat a number of assignments from each section and make sure that you answer them in the ‘smart’ way (see point 4) as comprehensively as possible (teachers like that and therefore give points earlier!).
      If you notice that answering some questions is not going so smoothly, check whether the subject matter is in your head (concepts, formulas, cause-effect lists) and be honest with yourself about that.

If you apply the above tips, the chance that you will pass a sufficient pass for your next (business) economics test or school exam will be a lot bigger. Hopefully, you will have a little more support and an answer to the question of how you can learn the best economy.

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