How to Learn Geography?

Tips on How to Learn Geography?

You learn in different ways. Are you a doer or a thinker? or maybe both? Many people prefer a certain way of learning or learning style, as we also call it.

Everyone has known a classmate who could learn so easily that it made you jealous. While you are blocking an evening, your classmate has gone through the material for half an hour. And he or she gets higher grades than you! Why is it that one learns effortlessly while the other has to go all out? This is partly due to a difference in intelligence. But it is also a matter of much and concentrated practice !!

image of how to learn geography

An example: Jase and Mark are both in secondary school. Jase can play fantastic football, loves the computer and likes to be outside. At school, he has difficulty with large amounts of the subject matter. Geography, in particular, requires a lot of effort. Mark does judo, he likes to read at home. According to his mother, he loved reading since he was a little boy. Mark wants to know things, he watches youth news every day. Googled many things to find answers. Learning the long geography texts costs him no trouble. Jase would like to score better for the geography course, he asks his mentor for some tips. The mentor gives him the tip to make summaries. Jase goes to work. In the beginning, he is quite sweating, but he perseveres. After a while, he notices that the practice has a result.

There is something else Jase has a different way of learning than Mark. Mark wants to acquire knowledge in a direct way. He prefers to read a book and learns a lot from the teacher. Jase has a different learning style. He learns better by practicing a lot with the help of his teacher. Others find it pleasant to learn together. The teacher only watches whether everything is going well. Other students prefer to do everything as independently as possible. They look for creative solutions and don’t mind making mistakes. When necessary, they copy the art from others.

Read the text above. Which learning style do you prefer? Explain why.

How do you learn Geography

Step 1:
First, learn alone. Place a blind card next to the map with countries/cities in it. Look carefully at the places and the map and point out the places for yourself on the blind map. Say the corresponding name out loud to yourself.

Step 2 :
Only take the blind card for you. Now try to identify the places that you have learned. You can cheat on the map with the countries/places as often as you like. Repeat this until you no longer need the cheating. 
* You can start by learning 5 places. If you know all 5 of them, you mix them up and if you know that, you add a place. and so on.

Step 3 :
Get tested now. The person who overhears you indicates the place /water/area. You say the name.

Step 4:
Write down the names for yourself (without errors and remember the capital letters!) This way you remember them better.

Finally: it is better to practice 10 minutes every day than 1x an hour !!!!

And while learning, you naturally have to concentrate, so turn off the radio or television and sit down well. Also, switch your phone to silent and if you cannot resist looking at it, give it to your father or mother for a moment.

If you would like to improve your grades on this subject, you can also hire a geography tutor.